Mobile apps are one of the best inventions and help us a lot in our daily lives. Here in Araguaína, regional apps are very easy to use and we have several options, ranging from transportation to gastronomy.
If you are visiting the city, it is a good idea to have some apps installed during your stay.
Below, we will indicate some essential applications.
Maxim is the “Uber” of Araguain. To get from one place to another at super affordable prices, it’s worth using the app.
There are several registered drivers waiting for you in various parts of the city, meaning you won’t have to wait long for the race. The app is easy to use and super safe, as drivers register very rigorously.
Delivery apps
If you don’t feel like going out to see the variety of places in the city, you can use the different delivery apps available in the city.
The most used applications are: Funeco, aiqfome and ifood.
All the apps mentioned accept payment by PIX and credit/debit card, delivering to any address in the city.
Campelo Online
No time to go to the market? All good! In addition to delivery apps, the city’s largest supermarket chain has an app.
After downloading the Campelo Onlinejust select your items, make payment with your credit card and wait. Delivery time is 3h to 4h. All items are selected with the greatest care, ensuring the same quality that you will find in stores.
Did you like our tips? Soon we will bring more applications and facilities to make your stay in Araguaína very comfortable and incredible!
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