Typical Dishes of Tocantins

Thinking of visiting Tocantins and still not sure if it’s worth it?

We’re going to win you over by sharing about our natural beauties, our hospitality, and our cuisine.

Tocantins is the newest state in Brazil, but it has inherited many culinary influences from its neighboring states, such as Goiás and Pará.

Typical Dishes of Tocantins:

  • One of the typical dishes of Tocantins is Rice with Pequi, as our region has an abundance of this fruit, and the combination of the dish with free-range chicken is a hallmark of numerous cities in our state.

Pequi is a typical fruit of the cerrado and is recognized for its strong and distinctive flavor and aroma.

Many tourists visiting our region for the first time are invited to try the fruit in the form of preserves, stews, or with sauces.

  • Another typical dish of our beloved Tocantins is Chambari (or Chambaril), which is seen by many as the gastronomic identity of our state.

It is made with the muscle meat of the cow’s leg and is served with a perforated bone, cooked cassava, farofa, green herbs, and rice.

The way it is cooked makes the meat very tender, and the broth is rich, flavorful, and hearty.

This dish is commonly served in roadside restaurants for travelers exploring the state by car.

This regional delicacy is so important to our cuisine that it even has a festival dedicated to it: The Chambari Festival, in Paraíso do Tocantins.

Image via YouTube channel: Tereza Silva

  • Baked Fish in Banana Leaves is also one of the delights waiting for those who visit Tocantins.

During July and August, when the beaches are bustling with tourists, this dish is served with olive oil and green herbs.

The Tucunaré fish is the star of this delicious recipe, one of the most famous found here in our region.

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